Glenbrook Countryside Property Owners Association
2021 Officers, Area Directors, Committee Heads – Updated 4/21
President: Jen Reese
Vice President: Nancy Hirsch
Treasurer: Michelle Keenan
Recording Secretary: Ritu Bhatnager
Corresponding Secretary: Carolyn Rooke
Area 1: Marcus Powell
Kathy Keller
Area 2: Vince Pace
Birgit Mansfield
Area 3: Louise Ristow
Audrey Krolicki
Area 4: Michelle Nordstrom
Lynn Ritz
Area 5: Mel Septon
Sheryl Flood
Area 6: Jon Jensen
Aneela Masood
Area 7: Barbara Susmel
Myron Siciak
Area 8: Monica Mathew
Carey Weiman
Area 9: Jim Becket
Jessie Essman
Committee Heads:
Building and Zoning – Sally Guregian
Communications and Outreach- Carolyn Rooke
Events – Aneela Masood
Safety – Ben Kleiman