GCPOA 1/24/2022 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Glenbrook Countryside Property Owners 


Quarterly Meeting Minutes 


I. Call to order 

Jen Reese called to order the annual meeting of the Glenbrook Countryside Property Owners Association at 7:02pm on January 24, 2022, via Zoom 

II. Roll call 

Attendants in person and via zoom: Jen Reese, Nancy Hirsch, Michelle Keenan, Lynn Ritz, Kathy Keller, Brigit Mansfield, Kathy Stone, Mel Septon, Marcus Powell, Myron Siciak, Carey Weiman, Louise Ristow, Jim Finedor, Aneela Masood, Michelle Nordstrom, Tim Keenan, Julie Godnick, Vincent Pace, Carolyn Rooke, Frederica Fomeris, Chauncey Kingsbury, Jessie Essman, Audrey Krolicki, Monica Matthews, Amy Levine, Jon Jensen, Sally Guregian, Ken and Meha Smith 

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting 

Minutes from the last meeting on October 18, 2021, were approved. 

IV. Treasurer ’s Report 

a) Treasurer’s Report read by Michelle. Treasurer’s Report approved. GCPOA moving to Chase bank primarily so we can have the option to accept payments (annual dues) via Zelle. 

V. Building and Zoning 

a) Sally Guregian. – Has not heard from the owner regarding permits for 15 Cottonwood garage demolition. However, Cook County has stopped them from further demolition. 

b) 245 Cottonwood Road – fence for demo is up; homeowner has been directed to Cook County to obtain necessary permits. Sally will follow up. 

c) 225 Hickory Court – Sally presented her committee’s recommendation to grant a variance for this property. The 90 ft deficiency in the required minimum area of the property is likely the result of the rezoning of our neighborhood from R-5 to R-4 several years ago. This constitutes a genuine hardship for which a variance is designed to grant relief. In addition, granting this variance has no impact on the allowable size, height, or location of the house that is planned. Nancy H. made a motion to grant this variance and 100% of Board members voted Yes/agreed. Sally will follow up with the homeowner. 

VI. Event Committee 

a) Aneela Masood – Ice cream social planned for the last day of elementary school. Details TBD based on Covid situation. 

VII. Communications and Outreach Committee 

a) Carolyn Rooke – confirmed the test text message last month. If you are a dues paying member and did not receive this test text alert and would like to, please fill out this form 

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1EMROpLD92tQGUB4GPjwyF7N2NIKfSOaPE-o5 k-kr97APSw/viewform 

b) Dues/Membership letters will be sent through USPS mail this spring; in the future it will be sent electronically to make it more cost effective. 

VIII. Safety Committee 

a) Ben Kleiman – not present/no update; Louise Ristow is a member of this committee and said she is keeping a list of homes that have been impacted by burglaries/related crimes.

b) Call Cook County non- emergency number if you see suspicious activity 847-635-1188; notify police before notifying GCPOA 

IX. Old Business 

a) Jen reached out to Penny Matick; she confirmed that to get information about crime in our area, residents can visit www.spotcrime.com. Penny would like residents to keep alert regarding ruse burglaries and commit to doing the “9 p.m. safety routine” daily. If the crime happens, call 911 or Cook County Sheriff. Please email Jen or Carolyn or GCPOA after you’ve called the police (if you would like to get an alert out to neighbors). jenvreese@gmail.com or carolyn.t.rooke@gmail.com or gbcountryside@gmail.com 

X. New Business 

a) We will be mailing letters with membership and other GCPOA information via USPS in February. b) Annual meeting will be on April 27th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. It will NOT be at Greenbrier school; if the meeting is in person, it will be in Studio One in Highland Park. There is plenty of parking and space to spread out in the meeting room. 

c) New website was discussed; members suggested there should be more photos on the website. Aneela and Carolyn will attempt to find old pictures and ask for new pictures from residents. 

XI. Meeting Adjournment 

a) Motion to adjourn the meeting by Ritu Bhatnagar. Second by Michelle Keenen. Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm. Minutes submitted by: Ritu Bhatnagar 

Approved by: Jen Reese