Benefits of Membership

treesBenefits of Paid Membership

You are invited to join the Glenbrook Countryside Property Owners Association and enjoy the benefits of our fine community. Paid Members will be recorded in the Membership Registry and receive the following benefits:

  • Receive the Countryside Connection newsletter. Click here to see a sample copy.
  • Legal Representation for Community Issues (not for individuals)
  • Voting Privileges
  • Social Events
  • Emergency Phone Alerts

Monthly meetings are open to all residents. You may contact your area director for upcoming meeting information or by visiting this website.

Dues must be received prior to the April General Meeting of the current year to be eligible for voting on officers and directors. Dues will be accepted at that meeting, but no votes can be cast.

Paid members are eligible to serve on the Board, be an Area Director or serve on a Committee.


     We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting in April!

– GCPOA Officers and Board of Directors